Wednesday, April 11, 2012

39 Weeks

This week we decked Josie out in some pastels and brought her over to Ryan's parents' house for Easter.
[Eyeing cousin Taylor's bunny ears... little did she realize she was sporting bunny ears of her own]

She supervised the Easter egg hunt this year, and also got to take a spot at the table for a holiday meal for the first time. She made her presence known by participating in the conversation by yelling... loudly. And shaking her head repeatedly.
[Josie decided not to wait for her sweet potatoes to get started on her meal]
[Plotting her next move]

As it turns out, Josie actually doesn't like every food that comes her way - she turned down some cereal with prune juice this week (not that I blame her, since that wasn't one of my more inspired concoctions for her), and didn't seem all that excited about avocados(!!). She did try pineapple and mango this week, and she seems to be a fan... so far, at least.

I think Josie may be on the verge of figuring out this whole mobility thing. She has gotten pretty good at walking with assistance, and seems to be working on some of the motions of crawling (e.g., pushing with her legs, lifting her chest off the ground), but she just hasn't been able to coordinate the effort of getting both her upper half and lower half working together at the same time to go forwards (although she can go backwards a bit). And although she's been rolling for months, this week was the first time she rolled in bed. I was thinking her sleep sack was hindering her from doing this, but as soon as she did it once, it was all over - now she's rolling all over the place the second she wakes up. So as she's figuring out that she can actually move on her own volition, I think she might be more motivated to start crawling rather than waiting for us to move her or help her walk. We'll see!

This week was also the first time we brought her to the playground to give the baby swing a try. First, we went on an "epic walk", which is what we've termed it when we walk up to a nearby shopping center for some food. We went to a different restaurant this time, a little further into the shopping center, and it turns out there is a limit to what we can handle. Usual our epic walks are around three miles round-trip, but this one was four miles... and it turns out that extra mile proved to be the tipping point for both Ryan and I (and Ryan was the one schlepping a 23-lb baby on his back), as we were both pretty tired afterward.
[Happy to be setting off on our epic walk]
[Helpfully holding onto her hat as the wind picked up]

Anyway, so we went to the playground on the way home and stuck Josie in the baby swing. She wasn't too sure about it at first, but then decided it was awesome.

[Her very first time in the swing - she got progressively more happy about the situation with each swing :)]

Other developmental stuff from this week are that she's able to mimic us solely off sound now rather than needing to see what our mouths are doing too. She also is learning fun little tricks like flicking light switches, knocking using the door knocker, and "helping" me as I tote her and all our bags from the day into the house by grabbing my keys for me off the roof of my car (where I leave them while I get her out of her car seat)... although she's probably not grabbing them for me, per se, but she does at least relinquish them pretty easily. Also, one time this week she very definitively let me know when she wanted me to pick her up - I was clapping in front of her, and she grabbed my thumbs, pulled my hands apart, and placed them on either side of her belly. Point taken.

Miscellaneous cuteness:
[More Easter pictures...]
[...and more swing pictures]

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