So, where we last left off with the house stuff, we had the foundation in place and were waiting on the rest of the house to be manufactured at the factory. The house delivery date was August 23rd, and set date was the next day. So on the 23rd, the house made it just fine on its trip from Pennsylvania (on five trucks, each with an escort of two vehicles - we roll deep, apparently!)... but then it took four hours to maneuver all of the trucks down our road and into the driveway. For good reason - the trucks were long (the longest truck/trailer was over 90 feet!) and our driveway and the roads back by our house are pretty narrow.
My first view of our (shrink-wrapped) house:
August 24, 2012: our house set date. Ryan and I had both taken the day off work, so we sent Josie off to daycare (other kids are more fun to her than watching a giant house puzzle getting put together) and then went to see how our house was doing. Ryan got there a bit before me, but by time I got there, they had already set the first box.
[Checking out part of our closet, the kitchen and dining room]
[A rather unusual view of our dining room and hallway (and a doorway to nowhere, but what will be to Josie's room) and our basement/garage, all at the same time :)]
[Dropping the bonus room into place]
[The first item in our pantry ;)]
[Setting the third box in place]
[The upper floor prepped to be lifted into place]
[Just missing the top floor now!]
[Lifting half of the upstairs into place]
[Ryan keeping an eye on the box being spun around]
[Spinning around the last box]
[About to drop the final box into place]
I'm only posting a couple of inside shots, because as I went through the pictures, I realized pictures of many empty, unfinished rooms probably aren't that exciting. But if you're interested in seeing said pictures, feel free to click through the Pictures link to the right :)
[The room of many names: bonus room / sun room / family room / our likely soon-to-be favorite room]
[Kitchen (with the holes/doorways for the laundry and pantry on the left]
[The state of the house as of August 25th - bolted together, the roof mostly done, and plenty of work still to go :)]
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