[First time in the lake!]

[She did seem to like her float (which we found pretty invaluable), despite the side eye she seems to be giving it here]

So Miss Josie spent a lot of the week in a floaty swimsuit, with a long-sleeve sun shirt over it, with a sun hat on, sunblock on her face, hands, and legs, and in a float with a sun canopy... this may have been overkill, but we're taking a more Victorian approach to tanning with her, and trying to keep her as pale as possible ;)

[Baby taco! She didn't like this too much, but if the sun was too bright and/or she didn't want to wear her hat, we'd taco her up]

[Sleepy time]
[Little tiny baby splashes!]
We had a birthday party for Josie too, where she got to have a watermelon cake and watch me open her presents for her :)

[Enjoying her first balloon]
[Mmm, the watermelon was delicious, according to Josie ;)]
We also gave Josie a plum to eat on her own, which proved to be both entertaining (at least for Ryan and me) and good to fill her up, since she seemed to willingly eat more when she could attack it herself rather than eat pre-sliced pieces like we normally give her.

Josie also discovered the concept of "under" that week, and spent some time crawling under the coffee table... which went swimmingly for her until the first time she bumped her head and realized she was a bit stuck.

The coffee table actually played a key role that week - it seemed to be just the right height for Josie to pull herself up and sit herself down (repeatedly), and so a lot of her toys ended up on top of the table, where she kept herself quite occupied :-)

[Josie cheering Ryan on as he won Super Mario Wii]
Miscellaneous cuteness:

[Reading time with cousin Taylor]

[Playing with Ryan :)]
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